Collections, Archives & Resources

CUNEF Library offers users a wide variety of resources. It covers all the courses taught in the different degrees, and aims to meet all types of user needs, from the most basic to the most complex.

To this end, a wide range of physical and electronic resources, both internal and external, are made available to users, compiling content considered relevant to meet their information needs.


CUNEF Library offers access to specialised journals in Law, Economics, Finance, Business, Accounting, Mathematics, Computer Science, etc., in paper and electronic format.

Recommended Bibliography

One of CUNEF Library’s goals is to make all the books included in the recommended bibliography for each course available to students, gradually adding to its catalogue all the bibliographies prepared by professors.

Filter by type of programme, degree and year to browse the catalogue, selecting the corresponding course to locate the recommended resources.


CUNEF has a current subscription to many different databases on journals, full-text articles, statistics, finance, etc.

The contents, in addition to being multidisciplinary, cover different areas such as Law, Business, Finance, Computer Science, Quantitative Methods, Economics or Accounting.

The quality of these databases can be gaged by looking at their suppliers and publishers: American Economic Association, Elsevier, Oxford University Press, Taylor & Francis, Thomson Reuters, Wiley, etc.

Electronic Resources

CUNEF Library offers access to a wide variety of electronic resources that cover all the fields taught at CUNEF. You can browse through all of them using

There are e-books and e-documents, as well as a host of supplementary materials in digital format: e-book collections from Springer, Pearson, Proview, Netbiblo, and e-journals with full-text articles.


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