Document Loans



To reserve a resource, they must log into and specify the library where they wish to pick it up. They will receive an email notifying them as soon as it is available.

Renewing loans

Students will be able to renew their loan by postponing the scheduled return date.

To do so, they must log into and renew the loan one day before the scheduled return date.

The number of renewals allowed depends on the type of resource:

Users who have been penalised or who return the document late will not be able to renew.


Students who fail to return resources by the scheduled return date will be penalised: they will be banned from borrowing, renewing or reserving resources for two days for each day of delay per resource.

Additional penalties may be considered for students who repeatedly fail to return resources on time, especially in periods of high demand.

In case of loss or damage to the borrowed resource, the user must replace it with a new copy.


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